Search Results
Sharepoint: Update person or group field using REST API in Document Library (2 Solutions!!)
Sharepoint: Update People picker column using REST API in Power Automate (2 Solutions!!)
Sharepoint: How to access Person or Group column in REST API Url? (2 Solutions!!)
SharePoint Online- Update SharePoint document Library Metadata using Rest API and Power Automate
Sharepoint: Sharepoint Rest API, c#, update document metadata (2 Solutions!!)
Rest API Update Person Field (Multi user), Lookup Field(Multi lookup), Taxonomy Columns(Multi...
Sharepoint: Retrieve lookup field value using REST API (2 Solutions!!)
Power Automate - How to clear a person group field (multi-selection) using Sharepoint HTTP Request
Sharepoint: Update the field Created By (Author) in Sharepoint Online Programatically
Sharepoint: How to update list item with lookup (People and Group) column using REST post method?
Work with SharePoint using Rest API from Power Automate | Anna Jhaveri | M365 Saturday | XMonkeys360
Update SharePoint Document Permissions using Power Automate